
Global Asset Allocation Surge

As China’s demand for global asset allocation continues to surge, Hong Kong’s role as the nation’s premier international financial center becomes ever more critical. This trend is supported by a series of financial integration policies that have been rapidly introduced, including the Stock Connect schemes, Bond Connect, Wealth Management Connect, ETF Connect, enhanced currency swap quotas, and the dual-counter model for Hong Kong stocks​.

Robust Asset Management Growth

Hong Kong’s asset management industry has reached a scale of USD $3.9 trillion, growing by 15% since Q3 2022 .

Expanding Landscape

The number of registered asset management firms in Hong Kong has increased by 5%.

Strong Inflows for Chinese Firms

Chinese asset management firms, officially known as Chinese Asset Management Companies (AMCs), have recorded above-average capital inflows.

Hong Kong: Gateway for Global Diversification

Hong Kong’s unique position and dynamic financial market make it an indispensable hub for Chinese capital seeking global diversification. Partner with us to leverage these opportunities and navigate the evolving investment landscape.